Ran is a bright and energetic first-grader in junior high school who possesses supernatual abilities. Together with Midori (her friend who also has supernatural powers) and Rui, the threesome are constantly embroiled in mysterious circumstances. Ran is troubled by her powers because it seems to spark off the ill intentions of people in contact with her. However, with the support of her family and peers, Ran learns to deal with her 'other' side and accepts who she is. The threesome also learn how to team up as a whole and solve these mysterious events.
- Ran, Telepathy! ~Searching the City~
- Ran Runs! ~Searching the City~
- Ran, Fly! ~Searching the City~
- The Flower Called Ran ~Whisper From The Darkness~
- The Wind Called Forth by Ran ~Whisper From The Darkness~
- Ran, Going to the Haunted Hot Springs ~Riddle of the Ghost Inn~
- Ran and the Steamy Ghost Case ~Riddle of the Ghost Inn~
- Ran`s Master Plan to Become Friends
- Ran, Finding God ~Ran and the Sakura and Spring in Full Bloom~
- Ran, Midori, and the Summer Vacation
- Ran and the Lost Village ~The Skull Knew~
- Ran and the Tears of the Three Eyes ~The Skull Knew~
- Ran and the Mysterious Guide ~The Visage Scab Laughs at Night~
- Ran and the Red Handball ~The Visage Scab Laughs at Night~
- Rui, Disappearing into the Darkness ~The SOS through Time~
- Rui in the Edo Period ~The SOS through Time~
- Ran, Vacation! ~The Abducted Bride~
- Ran, the Sacred Ground and the Temptation Flower ~The Abducted Bride~
- Ran, Cafe Cum Haunted House
- Rin, a Challenge for Power!
- Midori and the Old Lady`s Dream
- Ran and the White Girl
- Ran, Hearing the Voice of the Haniwa
- Ran and the Awakened Beast ~I Have Something Inside~
- Ran and the Blasted Land ~I Have Something Inside~
- Ran and Midori ~I Have Something Inside~
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